Thursday, July 4, 2013

Dentist appointment

I had a dentist appointment early this morning to get my wisdom tooth pulled. I love my dentist, she's the best, very kind and always smiling. Spent the better part of an hour in the dentist chair and left with half my mouth numbed with anesthesthetics. 2 hours later I was still feeling good and went for lunch with Mats. But by the time I got home I was in some pain, and as Murphy would have it, of course we had no painkillers at home :'(  Finally got my hands on some this evening, and I have to say I'm very grateful they exist and that I'll be able to sleep tonight!

1 comment:

  1. It could’ve been a very uncomfortable few days if you hadn’t gotten those painkillers afterwards! Thankfully, you were able grab some before the pain became unbearable. Otherwise, I don't think sleep would've come easily for you that night. Take care!

    Annette Freeman @ Bozeman Dental Assoc.
