Friday, June 15, 2012

Breakfast anyone?

Growing up in Indonesia, we ate a lot of rice for breakfast. Rice cereal, savory dishes with rice, sticky rice with coconut milk and mango, and tapioca cereal. Of course we sometimes ate oatmeal, semolina or eggs as well, but not nearly as often. I almost never ate box cereals as a kid. But even after moving to Europe at 16, and getting used to a whole other food culture since then, my personal concept of breakfast is relatively unchanged. I still prefer savory over sweet breakfasts. I love fry-ups : eggs (in all forms- I make a killer omlett!!), bacon, beans and stuffed tomatoes. Oatmeal still isn't a favourite, but I'll eat it.
When she gets older, my daughter will want waffles and pancakes and french toast and wrinkle her nose at the mention of rice cereal. Sandwiches are the norm and for breakfast she'll eat yoghurt and box cereals. But it's comforting to know that some things never change, no matter where you end up, and I'm glad I'm still a little Indo-girl at heart, especially when it comes to breakfast :)

 När jag växte upp, så åt vi väldigt annorlunda mat till frukost än vad jag har blivit van vid idag. Mycket ris, olika sorters ris och nästan aldrig flingor eller dylik. Än idag, så äter jag heller "vanliga maträtter" till frukost och skippar det söta. Det är roligt att se skillnaden mellan mig och Ais: när hon blir stor, kommer hon tycka mer om pannkakor, våfflor och fattigriddare, t.ex, och äter smörgåsar och yoghurt och flingor till frukost. Men oavsett vad som händer och vart jag hamnar, så kommer jag alltid ha kvar lite av det indonesiska i mig, speciellt när det gäller frukost:)


  1. It looks really good, I want some of those breakfast. I ate a lot of Indonesian food, sorry not to make you feel bad or anything like that. But I still couldn't get around it for the whole month, including our favourite bakmi GM. I got to meet my oldest brother and his daughter. It was the beginning. I was just testing the water and see what they are like after so many years. I talked my oldest sister and sister above me, they sounded ok. Wished I could have called earlier. I only called them when I was taking off back to Delhi. My oldest sister wanted you to know that you are always welcome.

  2. You'll have to tell me more when we talk next. I'm really glad you're getting back in touch with them, I think it's a good step. Glad to know I have an extended family somewhere, even if it's on the other side of the world :)
