Monday, June 25, 2012


Frustrated. So, so frustrated. I'm so tired of biting my tongue, not being able to tell the truth as it is, holding back and dumbing things down for imbeciles. If someone doesn't want to expand their mind and widen their perspectives, no amount of explaining or reasoning will make any difference, so you end up  banging your head against a stone wall, trying to explain to morons and idiots something that should be as clear as day. I'm so fed up with the dictatorial, outdated leadership style, that is all about ass-kissing and where quality performance means nothing.
The wrong people are in the wrong positions of leadership and it takes too long before anyone (with any power to affect change) does anything about it -- despite the fact that the people at the bottom have been yelling this at the top off their lungs for god knows how long! Being at the bottom of the food chain also means that we're the first to get the blame for anything that goes wrong and the last to receive any kind of commendation or compensation when things do go right. Maybe this is the case in every work place, but I work too hard and put too much energy into my job to be able to be ignore being treated like I'm so easily replaceable.
 I don't understand how it doesn't bother more people, how it doesn't infuriate them and make the "peasants rise up and revolt", so to speak. I'm pissed. I'm stunted and I can't wait to start pursuing an entirely different career, one where hopefully, acquired intelligence and knowledge means empowerment of a sorts, and where people start actually think and consequently act, for themselves, instead of being controlled by fear of dictators and abusers of power.

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